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    Pictures of Pronouns…and how to learn them



    In my list of basic words to learn, I suggest learning subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) using pictures. Instead of “‘Ich’ is the German word for ‘I,’” I suggest memorizing “‘Ich’ is the German word for [Guy pointing to himself].”

    But this may seem like a trivial point. After all, it’s only a small handful of words, and what’s the harm in memorizing just a few translations?

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    Preposition Images for Anki

    Screen Shot 2013-02-08 at 12.59.23 PM

    Just a short post that should prove useful if you’ve had trouble finding good pictures for prepositions (on, over, between) or directions (up, down, top, bottom). I found a lovely image of 29 prepositions in English on a language learning site for French students of English, Angloxchange. It has a bunch of English labels on it, but I cut the image up into little chunks, so you should be able to drag and drop your favorites into Anki.

    You’ll find the (cut up) image over hereScreen Shot 2013-03-28 at 2.21.40 PM

    New: A reader just suggested a Slovak website with 12 preposition images in the forms of cute sheep. If you prefer sheep to red balls, check them out here.